Repair & Preventative Maintenance  |  Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

NJRA’s technicians provide repair services for all respiratory equipment.  In addition, our technicians help facilities make cost effective decisions in determining whether a machine is worth the repair cost. Prior to picking up the machine, we check all warranty information as well as provide an over the phone assessment of the machine. If the machine meets our guidelines for a repair, NJRA picks up the machine and provides a quote within 5 business days.  

                                                     Oxygen Concentrator PM Pricing

                                                     Oxygen Concentrator PM Pricing

Preventative Maintenance  |  Oxygen Concentrators 

NJRA recommends concentrators have preventative maintenance performed every six to eight months. Preventative maintenance includes: testing the units O2 level and flow, replacing internal batteries and filters, cleaning the inside and outside of the machines, and tagging the machines for state inspections. Facilities also receive a report of all of their units with their latest test results.